I’m trying in vain to go green.
I say it like that because I’m very much stuck in my old ways. Cleaning with a harsh cleanser works. There’s nothing like the smell of bleach in a bathroom because you know it’s been disinfected beyond measure.
But as much as I love my bleach, I also don’t like having to use harsh chemicals if I don’t have to.
Underneath my sink is a ton of money I’ve spent on various cleansers to do various jobs. There’s the old-faithful Pine-Sol that I pretty much use everywhere and just about everything. Then there’s special cleansers for my kitchen and special ones for my bathroom.
It occurred to me on another faithful trip to Target that while I love trying out something that will guarantee my bathroom will have that nice, clean smell, I also want something that just works, regardless of the smell.
Enter vinegar and dish soap.
I’ve written about the wonders of vinegar and dish soap to cleanse your makeup brushes but now let’s talk about how it can effectively clean your bathroom.
I don’t mind putting myself on blast to prove a point for the blog. This is how my bathroom looked before:

And it gets worse…

I kept reading online about how vinegar and Dawn were just amazeballs to use to clean the home so I decided why not give it a try on the dirtiest place in my home?
I mixed one cup of warm (read: microwaved) vinegar with one cup of dawn soap and put it in a spray bottle. I sprayed that bad boy like it was about to go out of style and scrubbed everywhere until I was mimicking an 80’s DJ like I was mixing and scratching.
And then this happened:

And this…

I was rather surprised by how clean it was.
So again, here’s the recipe (mind you, my shower is not that big so my portions are small):
1 cup of vinegar, heated.
I cup of Dawn dish soap
A spray bottle.
After the vinegar is heated, add it along with the dish soap to a spray bottle. Shake the bottle vigorously and start working that bathroom like a part-time job. Use sponges, rags, squeegees as necessary.